Bikram Yoga Benefits

Bikram Yoga was introduced to the United States in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury. This form of yoga, often credited as the original “hot” yoga, is famous for its toasty 105-degree practice rooms (or “torture chambers,” as Choudhury has referred to them) and also for its scripted 90-minute sequences that always feature the same 26 postures, repeated twice.

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Hot Yoga: Why Bikram is So Good For Your Body and Soul

Hot yoga's a muscle-building alternative that's not tedious: Your mind and body are totally engaged, from Child Pose to Corpse Pose. Plus, hot yoga transforms your mood, putting you in the mellowest state possible (even if you're high-strung like me). With hot yoga, you get all-over strength, flexibility, stress reduction, mindfulness and an amazing shvitz, all at the same time. Still not sold? Let me tackle your objections, one by one.

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